Student Blogs

A Morning Spent Lion Around

February 22nd, 2012 mfmccl13

I have now been on about seven game drives and the last two have been the most memorable. A few days ago we came across a small family of elephant complete with a little calf! We also managed to spook a rhino hidden in the bushes next to the road and he galloped along right beside us! The highlight of that morning, though, had to be the hyena eyeing a small herd of zebra.

This morning’s game drive, however, was more than we could have asked for! We saw several elephants walking in the road throughout the first minutes of the drive, but the last elephant brought some surprises along with it and we were greeted with this incredible scene. The elephant proceeded to turn on a dime and charge these young male teenagers, trumpeting and driving them into the brush. A little further down the road, the playful males sulked out of the bushes to greet their brother. We watched the youngsters horse around for a while  before deciding to turn the truck around and get another view. Little did we know who was ready to greet us around the corner . The one with the lighter mane was breathing quite heavily and looked quite tired . The other appeared very skinny and still when he rose to walk . We think these guys had a tough night of unsuccessful hunting. As the time for breakfast approached we decided to head back and leave these guys alone, but not without saying goodbye to the gang!

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